Monday, April 20, 2009

{no grass - fine with me}

When we lived in Lethbridge, we had a wisteria tree (suomeksi sinisade) like this right outside our kitchen window. I loved doing dishes/making supper while admiring the beautiful flowers. While I dream about a bigger house lot and not being able to look in my neighbors' kitchens, I thought I should plant a wisteria tree again right outside our kitchen window. Would do wonders for the view, don't you think?
To be honest, I don't care if someone can see into my kitchen. I ain't got nothing to hide. :) I'm not in the habit of keeping an eye on my neighbors either. But a bigger lot would still be nice. Mind you, it would mean more yard work too. Lately I've been totally into decked back yards though. Wood deck, sunbeds, and/or a hammock!, a trampoline, a grill, a firepit, huge modern flower pots (either with flowers or those funky grasses you see in magazines nowadays), a covered sandbox for Sienna... Who needs grass? I don't, it seems. Huh. Kind of surprised me when I realized that. There's a huge grass field right next to our house if I wanna see some grass. :) Which reminds me of an idea I had for Jay's birthday gift and totally forgot about it. I should just go get it anyways. Who cares if he gets it late. Man my memory sucks.
Can you believe this old wisteria tree! Unbelievable!
(Pictures via google image search)
mr switch by john caswell
I love fun stuff like this. :)


  1. Wisteria-puu on ihanan näköinen!! Mikä se mahtaisi olla suomeksi, onko hajua? Ja heh, eikö Desperate Housewifet asu Wisteria Lanella?

    Meidän piha tullaan jossain vaiheessa laatoittamaan aika pitkälle. En jaksa tuota joka keväistä ja syksyistä liejua, joka muodostuu kohtiin joissa kuljetaan ja lapset juoksee.

    Eikä minua myöskään häiritse, jos joku näkee meille sisään. Katselkoot se ken on kiinnostunut :)

  2. Mulla ei ole hajuakaan mika on suomeksi. En muista milta se haisi. Upea puu. Kasvaa nopeasti ja ainoa paha juttu on etta leviaakin helposti.
    Juuri tuo on minunkin asenne - jos jollain ei ole parempaa puuhaa kuin meidan keittioon tuijotus niin saalittaa ihan ja antaa katsoa sitten vaan. :)

  3. Todella upea puu.

    Meille ei kukaan nae, enneka me kenenkaan kotia.Ylimman kerroksen asumisen riemuja :)

  4. Hi!! Found your blog via Ali Edwards. I love it!! So, if you don't mind I'm gonna post on my blog aka Wonder Woman so I can come back. We have quite a bit in common including the fact that I'm LDS, too!! Hope you'll stop by my blog soon!!

    Les aka Wonder Woman

  5. Wisteria on suomeksi sinisade!

  6. pikkujutut: Monennessa kerroksessa asutte?

    wonder woman: Thanks! I will visit your blog too. (already have actually)

    helena: Kiitos!


Thank you for taking the time to comment! :)