Wednesday, February 27, 2008

kotona ollaan

Kuva ei tee oikeutta! Oli upea taivas! Ja sita nakikin kovin aakeesti ja laakeesti taas etela Albertan preerialla. Sanotaan etta Albertassa on "iso taivas" ja niin on todellakin. Autosta ottamani kuva.
The sky was amazing when we traveled to see our friends in Southern Alberta. The picture doesn't do justice at all.
Emmalie & Sienna. Y
Make a funny face.

Etela Albertan nakymia kotimatkalta. Ei mitaan upeita kuvia. Autosta nopeasti otettuja. Ihme etta edes onnistui. Harmitti kun en ennattanyt ottaa yhtaan hyvaa kuvaa "coolies" kukkuloista. Muutenkin maisemat oli tosi upeita monin paikoin mutta kamera ei tehnyt oikeutta joten en sitten napsinytkaan paljon kuvia.

Some pictures I took on our way home. Lots of nice scenary. I didn't take many pictures because pictures never turn out the way it actually looks. Especially since I took them while we were driving. I was taking lots of mental pictures for myself though and wished you all could see the beauty of the prairies.

Vuoret oli "niin lahella mutta niin kaukana".
The mountains were "so close yet so far away".
Etsi hymynaama.
Smiley face on a farm house.
Soin ihan liikaa tallaista kaikkea ajomatkoilla. Suklaata tietty myos. Mutta reissu ei oo reissu ellei syo junk:a ja lue lehtia. :)
We ate too much junk while driving. But what kind of car trip would it be if you didn't eat junk food and read magazines. Atleast the chips were trans fat free and low sodium.
Meidan reissu oli tosi kiva. Pelattiin biljardia, paljon rupattelua, katsottiin leffa, kaytiin raflassa syomassa, oltiin vaan... Sienna oli niin onnessaan kun silla oli leikkikavereita. Hauskin juttu reissussa oli miten Sienna sanoi meidan ystavien lasten nimet. Emmalie oli Enemy, Madison oli Medicine ja Benjamin oli Batman jostain syysta. Samuel oli sentaan Samuel. :D
We had a great time visiting our friends. Those turkeys had to move so far away I tell you... (yes Connie, you're a turkey! :D) We played pool (my first time ever yet I impressed everyone with my amazing "crouching squirrel" move or being able to dive under one ball to get to the one behind it, no need to brag more than that :D), relaxed, chatted, watched a movie, went out to eat... Sienna loved having friends to play with. The funniest part of the trip was the way Sienna said our friends' kids' names: Emmalie was Enemy ("Enemy, come and play!"), Madison was Medicine and Benjamin was Batman for some reason. :) Atleast baby Samuel didn't get a new name. Samuel, you're a cutie!
Miss you lots already Connie!
Thank goodness we atleast got your blog started.
(Jay & Dan rolling their eyes in unison, I'm sure.)


  1. Sua ehti tulla ikävä! Voi kun on tytöt sievinä. Reissunne kuulosti mukavalta.

  2. Ihanat mekot tytöillä ja voi mitä ihania lempinimiä Sienna keksi :)


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